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For Gaby, not much has changed since last summer. For everybody else, apparently everything is different. The 13-year-old is back on the island where her dad lives, and everyone keeps giving her the strangest looks. Even Fourmi, her best friend, keeps brushing her off. When one of the boys starts singing an ode to Gaby’s “hills”, it’s the final straw. Tongue firmly in cheek, Zo... (展开全部)   For Gaby, not much has changed since last summer. For everybody else, apparently everything is different. The 13-year-old is back on the island where her dad lives, and everyone keeps giving her the strangest looks. Even Fourmi, her best friend, keeps brushing her off. When one of the boys starts singing an ode to Gaby’s “hills”, it’s the final straw. Tongue firmly in cheek, Zoé Pelchat sends her titular heroine into battle to disarm the male gaze.



  • 10.0 正片 来自谁的启示 柳俊烈,申铉彬
  • 5.0 正片 小西伯利亚 鲁内·泰特,汤米·柯贝拉,马蒂·索萨洛,玛拉·毛米瓦拉,詹恩·海蒂恩,阿米拉·哈利法,塞韦里·沙里宁,珍妮班娜吉,埃罗·里塔拉,Chike,Ohanwe,海蒙·玛丽亚·巴汀格,Stan,Saanila,马兹达克·纳西尔,Teemu,Aromaa,Timo,Lavikainen,米科·米卡宁,Nelly,Kärkkäinen,Matti,Ruohonen
  • 4.0 HD 恶行之外 古天乐,林家栋,林嘉欣,张继聪,王敏奕,车婉婉,孙佳君,林家熙,杨偲泳,林千渟,郑子诚,陈紫萱,邓月平
  • 2.0 HD 草图 阿西夫·阿里,Anaswara,Rajan,Manoj,K.,Jayan
  • 2.0 正片 末日 蒂尔达·斯文顿,乔治·麦凯,摩西·英格拉姆,迈克尔·珊农,布罗娜·加拉赫,蒂姆·麦克纳尼,连尼·詹姆斯,丹妮尔·瑞恩,娜奥米·奥加罗,阿什·史密斯
  • 3.0 正片 兴奋不已 卢克·柯比,葛瑞芬·纽曼,蓓尔·波利,尼克·罗宾森,艾娃·艾森松,帕蒂·哈里森,内斯塔·库珀,Julia,Shiplett,贾斯汀·闵,Sophie,Van,Dorn,娜塔莉·韦塔,Anthony,Pun,Shauna,Cheatham,Delian,Lincourt,达茜·卡尔登,Billy,Nugent,Zuly,Sanchez,Khalfani,Louis,Elizabeth,O'Connor,Ava,Breuer

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